Is it possible to wear a strap-on without getting a wedgie?
Check out last year’s sell-out comedian, Breda Larkin, in her outrageous stand-up, Other Women’s Vaginas. You won’t want to miss this world premiere
A drag comedy musical extravaganza like no other!
Join Maggie in the 80’s as she gets lost in Soho on the eve of a vote to pass an anti-gay law. Catch the Irish Premiere of Margaret Thatcher Queen of Soho.
Lesbian and Bi women bare all in hilarious storytelling play
In Lesbian Style we hear powerful warm tales from romance to role models, coming out to breaking up, bereavement to bejazzling in a revelation of honest heartfelt insight.
Savagely funny, relevant and moving.
Civil Parting is the unravelling of one of the first gay marraiges in South Africa , never straightforward, often hilarious, sometimes not…
Award-winning US comedy drama
Winner of Chicago’s best new LGBT writing award, At the Flash features the stories of five characters past & present.  Both moving and funny and not to be missed.
Something for everyone in a packed ‘Shorts’ programme
The ever-popular programme of short plays returns, including a lesbian couple misremembering the night they first met and a handsome gay doctor who must confront his grandmother.
Their lives are about to go tits up…come watch!
The world of a couple who, seem to have it all, is about to unravel as they are forced to face the lies they have told each other, and themselves. See the premiere of Tits Up only at the IDGTF.