52 Monologues for Young Transexuals
Pleasance courtyard
Time 3.20pm
Duration: 60 minutes
Produced by NMTS (nothing more to say) Theatre Company
Written, perfromed and directed by Laurie Ward and Charli Cowgill
After over 40 lgbt+ themed shows, many impressive ones, ‘52 Monologues for Young Transsexuals’ blew me away. ‘Charli’ and ‘Laurie’ pack so much truth, graphic, funny, abusive, powerful, energetic and passion into this high energy hour that left me quite emotional.
These two young articulate actors interviewed many of their trans peers to formulate a story, full of testimony, into a most intelligent script that entertains, informs, uplifts, shocks and deeply impresses. There was nothing that wasn't said.
Laurie and Charli rip the covers off their journey to their new identities with an intimacy and honesty rarely revealed in theatre. They journey us through being objectified, the questions, comments, offense, abuse, joy and triumph as they become the very strong people they are today.
There's high energy soundtracks, athletic dance routines and no punches pulled, as they lay out the real stories and people that discover, struggle and prevail in the battle with body, identity, womanhood, religion and hope.
'I really want kids' is one of the many revealing theme. As actors, writers, performers and young adults, they've grown up to be the artists any parent could be proud of.
52 Monologues (with thanks to those who testified) was an emotional roller coaster of truth and theatre - exactly what you hope to discover in a real Fringe. It is still with me.