30 and Out
Pleasance Baby Grand,
Time: 12.45pm
Duration 60 minutes.
Written and performed by Kit Sinclair
Directed by Charlotte Ive
Producer Rebecca Prentice.
30 And Out. We meet the former 'Kirsty' who has just ended a 12 year relationship with childhood sweetheart Ethan. She is now 30 and re-named Kit. Kit is a lesbian, but has she left it too late to 'come out'? What is a lesbian?
Writer Kit Sinclair did a lot of interviews with gay women all over the UK and uses the learning to illustrate her story of what it is to be a lesbian today. Sure, she loses her virginity, falls in and out of 'love', has a gay male VBF Darcy, and stumbles through while she tries to fast track her learning as she is 'late' coming out.
Sinclair has a bucket load of energy, humour and insight which enriches this story of fun, oranges, drama and song. She is political in that to her, community means standing with those who need allies. She is acutely aware that a public life as a lesbian is different that her life with Ethan.
The script is projected on screen and the dual screen usage separates the characters, who are introduced to guide her on her journey. Lesbian life and lifestyles are under the microscope of this new explorer, and despite the lure of the sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll scene, 'Big Sue' sets her straight.
Sinclair writes and performs a clear study of contemporary issues about coming out, lesbianism, settling down, meeting milestones and the validity of a binary view of life. The charm and engagement of her performance guided by Ive's neat direction, brings us an hour of good theatre and further quality evidence that this type of story should no longer be a rarity in any diverse artform.